Discover the Tips & Tricks to Optimise Your Facebook Business Page to Generate More Income for Your Business
In This Guide You’ll Learn:
Tip #1: The best size for your profile picture so it also looks good when scaled down to a thumbnail size.
Tip #2: The correct cover photo dimensions and also the Facebook policies which state what’s NOT allowed to be included in your cover photo
Tip #3: The one feature that will help you bond with your audience more than anything else.
Tip #4: The most effective call-to-action button you can use on your page.
Tip #5: The one setting that will keep your audience happy while helping you retain a high response rate.
Tip #6: The page setting that will ensure your audience doesn’t ruin your reputation.
Tip #7: By using this type of content you’ll generate 2x more engagement than other post types.
Tip #8: Utilising this one key tactic will keep your audience coming back every week.
Tip #9: How to maximize the EdgeRank algorithm to get the highest amount of engagement.
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